
Pokemon sage wikia
Pokemon sage wikia

pokemon sage wikia

Pansage is mainly used by Cilan when fighting against Team Rocket and later Team Plasma grunts when it's seed shells from its Bullet Seed manage to stuck on Ash's Pignite's nostrils while it was fainted in battle. Pansage later teaches Chili's Pansear to learn Solar Beam after Cilan makes peace with Chili after revealing he ran away from home and breaking partnership with his Pokémon. After getting recovered, Pansage became friends with Dwebble afterwards when it decides to join Cilan's team. Pansage became sick for what happened earlier making Dwebble extremely guilty. In A Home for Dwebble!, Pansage was accidentally hit by a stone on his head by Dwebble's Slash after Pikachu dodges his attack which the latter apologizes. He sometimes helped Cilan when he cooks food for Ash and Iris.

pokemon sage wikia

At the end of the episode, Cilan took Pansage with him when he decided to travel with Ash and Iris. In " Dreams by the Yard Full!," it was shown that Oshawott deflected Pansage's Solar Beam with his scalchop and went on to defeat him with Razor Shell. After Oshawott hit him in midair with Water Gun, Pansage began charging a Solar Beam, which left Oshawott paralyzed with fear. Pansage dodged each of Oshawott's attacks easily and hit Oshawott hard with his Bullet Seed and Bite attacks. Pansage was used in Cilan's battle against Ash. Pansage first appeared when Cilan showed it to Ash prior to his Striaton City Gym Battle. You can help the Pokémon Wiki by expanding it.

pokemon sage wikia

This section is incomplete or unfinished. Also, Pansage is an expert battler who shoots both of his signature abilities and digging undergrounds, like Ash's Chimchar and Sandile in its evolutionary stage. Pansage is also very close to Chili and Cress' Pokémon, Panpour and Pansear respectively, much like Cilan's relationship with his twin brothers. Pansage appears as a cheerful and joyous Pokémon and is extremely loyal to Cilan such as mimicking his actions and helping him to cook exquisite food for Ash and Iris.

Pokemon sage wikia