This means that the heavier components like the battery and the electronics should be as close as possible to the motors. So the center of mass should be right between the motors. Height, Length, Width and Center of Mass: To make the most out of the force that the motors are making, we should make sure that all parts of the robots are as close to the source of the force as possible. I found that the motors I chose, which are linked above, did the job flawlessly. For this robot, we want the most speed we can get while still having enough torque to take advantage of it, since if we have too little torque the robot will struggle to move its weight in spite of having high speed rated motors. Torque vs Speed: When choosing our motors we will see that often times the same model has different torque and speed options you can choose from.

This means we have to choose the smallest battery possible without it being so small that it runs out too fast, the lightest wheels possible without loosing the much needed traction, and also light materials in general like making a thin plastic base instead of using heavier materials. So as a first key concept we need to keep the weight of the robot into consideration since less weight = more speed. Weight: If Force = Mass*Acceleration, it is pretty clear that with the same motors, meaning the same force, we need to decrease mass to get the most acceleration, which translates to the highest speed.

Nonethless, every or almost every aspect of this robot can be modified to adjust for the needs, skills or budget of the maker. The original objective of this robot was to take it to competitions where it would race against other robots, so my design always focused in achieving the highest speed while conforming to the rules of the competitions. This type of robot is very popular and can be used to teach some very powerful physics, electronics and programing skills and concepts while still being very fun and simple to make.
Hey! In this Instructable you will learn how to make a line follower robot, made to follow a race track as fast as possible.